How to find all User-Exit/BADI/Enhancement

Tufan Şaşmaz
3 min readSep 10, 2024


Custom Enhancements allow you to add additional functions to SAP systems without altering or disrupting the existing functionality. This enables businesses to customize SAP applications according to their specific needs.

I. User-Exit: These are predefined points in SAP programs where you can insert custom code. They are implemented using subroutine calls. User-exits are considered modifications because they change the standard SAP code.

II. Customer-Exit: These are function modules that provide a more structured way to add custom code. They are easier to maintain than user-exits because the custom code is separated from the standard SAP code.

  • Function Module Exits: These allow you to add custom code via a function module at specific points in an SAP application program.
  • Screen Exits: These allow you to add custom fields to a screen in an SAP program via a subscreen.
  • Menu Exits: These allow you to add custom items to a pull-down menu in a standard SAP program.

III. BADI (Business Add-Ins): An object-oriented enhancement technique introduced in SAP R/3 4.6. BADIs allow for multiple implementations and are more flexible than user-exits and customer-exits.

IV. Enhancement Framework: Introduced in SAP NetWeaver 7.0, this framework unifies various enhancement techniques under one roof. It includes explicit enhancement points and sections, implicit enhancements, and BADIs. This framework aims to provide a more comprehensive and flexible way to enhance SAP applications without modifying the original code.

The following image shows Enhancement Framework Components.
  • Implicit Enhancements are predefined points in the SAP standard code where you can add custom code without explicitly defining an enhancement point.
  • Explicit Enhancements are predefined points in the SAP standard code where developers can explicitly define enhancement points or sections. These points are marked in the code using the ENHANCEMENT-POINT or ENHANCEMENT-SECTION statements.
  • Enhancement Point An enhancement point is a specific location in the SAP standard code where you can insert custom code.
  • Enhancement Section is a block of code in the SAP standard program that can be completely replaced by custom customer code.

What is the ANST t-code ?

ANST — also known as the Automated Notes Search Tool, is a powerful application that searches SAP notes for a specific problem based on the issue in your system.

How to find all custom enhancements using ANST transaction code?

Go to transaction ANST →

Select the transaction radio button and enter the transaction code you want to check in the relevant field then execute. We are continue with the CO02 transaction code.

The Production Order Change screen is presented. You can continue up to the point where you want to stop or go back.

Select the appropriate application component for the transaction code you entered here and click the customer code button

Here is the all custom enhancements;



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